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Why you Should Pay 90 to 100 US for a Blog

Why you Should Pay 90 to 100 US for a Blog

Why you should pay for a professional blogger. As a professional blogger, I am always asked, “How much does a blog cost?” If you do a search online you will see a wide range of blog-writing prices from 25 to 150 US. We all know that the cheapest is not always the...
Thalassophile Reflections: Castara, Tobago

Thalassophile Reflections: Castara, Tobago

The ocean has always been, for me, a representation of life in general. Symbolic that nothing in life is always smooth sailing … The highs ‘n lows, like the tides …the waves. The rough days, the easy days …like undercurrents. The way the waves kiss...
How can Coaches and Consultants Work SMART

How can Coaches and Consultants Work SMART

As a coach or consultant, your work with clients can cover anything from implementing a customised training programme for your company or a client’s employees, to sourcing funding for specific programmes and projects. The one thing that can drive a continuous success...
Why Hire a Blogger

Why Hire a Blogger

You are running your own business. There are only so many hours in a day. From prospecting to closing a client, planning, doing the work, billing, following up for payment, prospecting again. When are you going to find the time to keep your website up to date with...